There is little question that gaming consoles are a hot item this holiday shopping season, with Sony and Microsoft going head-to-head in the retail market. Nintendo also…ah, no, never mind. This battle only happens every seven or eight years, and this time around it’s truly a two horse race. For many, failing to pre-order will leave an empty spot under the tree, as devices are grabbed up eagerly , barely reaching store shelves.
However, if you’re reading this soon after posting, and you just happen to be one of those desperate Xbox One seekers, then act fast. As of this writing, the Microsoft Xbox One is available in stock at Amazon. This is not a bundle deal either, but instead, the console itself, which comes with one controller and the Kinect. It sells for $499, and if you are an Amazon Prime member you’ll even get free shipping — not small savings as the package is a hefty 17 pounds, and runs an additional $30 shipping and handling when purchased from the Microsoft Store.
Bundles are also available, if you prefer going that route. And, of course if you wish to play against someone then you will need a second controller, which will set your wallet back by $60. Then you will also need games, which are not cheap, so look at the initial $500 as the tip of a Titanic-sized iceberg. Still, if this is the dream gift for someone in your family then the price may just be worth it for the joy you’ll see when the box is opened. Hey, it’s the spending time of year, right?