Weight-loss tracker Lose It! comes to the Microsoft Band via Android and iOS app

Brad Stephenson

Microsoft Band

The popular Lose It! Weight tracking app has now come to Microsoft Band. The app allows users to automatically calculate how many calories they’ve burnt throughout their day during both active activities and passive everyday life. The Microsoft band will sync its calculated data to the cloud and update users’ Lose It! Account information.
The Lose It! Microsoft Band app also displays how many steps a user needs to take to reach a calorie bonus, their account notifications, friend requests, and other basic account features. To help promote the app, Microsoft is giving anyone who buys a new Microsoft Band and activates the Lose It! App a free month of premium Lose It! service.
This integration between Lose It! and Microsoft Band takes place via the newly-released Android and iOS apps. Unfortunately, Windows Phone users will have to wait “later this year” for an official app. Go figure.
For more on Lose It! and Microsoft Band, check out our one-on-one interview with Lose It! CEO Charles Teague where he discusses his experience working with Microsoft, getting his company’s app on Windows 10 devices, and his thoughts on the new Microsoft Band.