Vodafone Australia testing Windows 10 Mobile for Lumia 630 and Lumia 640

Hammad Saleem

Microsoft is expected to unveil a number of new devices that will run Windows 10 Mobile, along with the Surface Pro 4 and a second generation Microsoft Band, next week in a special event held in New York on October 6th. When the new mobile operating system is ready for those devices is a looming question, as is when the devices and Windows 10 Mobile will ship. The new operating system is expected to roll out for existing devices as well, but we don’t have an availability date for that either.
Nonetheless, it’s still a good thing to see that some carriers are testing the new Windows 10 Mobile operating system. Vodafone Australia is now testing the Windows 10 Mobile operating system for the Lumia 640 and Lumia 630 (via WMPU). The schedule clearly mentions that “pre-testing in progress, no confirmed release date.”
Users in possession of the Lumia 630 and Lumia 640 in Australia should rest assured that the carrier is now working on the new operating system for the above-mentioned devices. We’ll update you as soon as the new operating system starts rolling out for the existing devices.