The Design Museum gets interactive with Lumia 640 XL and Surface Pro 3

Staff Writer

The Design Museum in London has a special showcase for the best designs of 2015, featuring items ranging from fashion to architecture. Among the winners is an exhibit from BMW, an exhibit from the “largest ocean clean-up in history,” and of course, Microsoft.
The exhibit from Microsoft includes a long white table that hosts 40 Lumia 640 XLs. At the ends of the tablet, two Surface Pro 3s stand sentinel, each running a demo providing visitors with instructions on how to interact with the museum’s displays. Visitors are encouraged to use one of the Lumia phones while they traverse the museum. These devices are used to provide information about the many different exhibits and are activated by swiping them across orange NFC tags located throughout the space.
“We are excited to be a partner of Microsoft and have used their technologies to create a platform that enables a rich visitor engagement, provides a deep understanding of visitor behaviors and gives real-time feedback to venues,” said Iain Marsden, SceneSkope CEO. “The platform creates new outreach through our engagement, building a long term conversation between the visitor and venue.”
The exhibit will run from September 17th until March of 2016. For more information about the Design Museum, click here.