Upcoming Windows Terminal Enhancements in Preview

Maourice Gonzalez

Windows Terminal Windows Subsystem For Linux (custom)

For all of you Windows Terminal lovers out there 2021 is bringing quite a few impatiently awaited features. A recent blog post from Kayla Cinnamon, Program Manager at Microsoft outlines some of these upcoming features now available in Preview. Let’s take a look.

Settings UI

Topping the list, and probably my favorite new feature is the arrival of the Settings UI. I love the flexibility and efficiency of commands, but there are things I want a UI for, namely changing the appearance and settings of my terminal apps and tabs. Before you try these changes out, head over to the Microsoft Store and install the latest version of Windows Terminal Preview.

Windows Terminal Settings Ui
How to open the Windows Terminal Settings UI – Courtesy of devblogs.microsoft.com

As this feature is still in very early stages of development and not considered production ready, its not accessible by default. You can however easily access it by adding the following to your keybindings/actions.

{ "command": { "action": "openSettings", "target": "settingsUI" }, "keys": "ctrl+shift+," },

Other Bug Fixes and Improvements

This release brings along a substantial list of bug fixes and improvements. You can find the complete list at the official GitHub site.

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