Twitter goes from the “bird app” to X with rebrand

Kareem Anderson

Twitter Nex X Logo

Going into the weekend, Twitter’s chief technology officer Elon Musk teased the idea of rebranding the company from the blue bird app to simply “X” and come Monday morning users were greeted with the new X logo.

Despite shifting his role from CEO of Twitter to CTO, Musk spent most of the weekend being the company’s chief marketing officer (CMO) tweeting over ten times about rebranding the company to X including a poll about a potential color change coming to the app.

Eventually Twitter CEO Lina Yaccarino stepped in and cosigned the company’s rebranding with a series of tweets of her own where she states that “X will be the platform that can deliver, well…everything.”

As of now, the rebrand seems to be a purely cosmetic one where the iconic bird logo is replaced with a stylized X. The rest of Twitter appears to have remained in place including the the iconic bird house home logo, the URL, and copy everywhere else such as search and compose buttons.

Musk has repeatedly told investors and partners that he would like to create an “everything” app that would coalesce messaging, commerce, advertising, and much more, and based on his marketing over the weekend, the rebrand of Twitter to X is the beginning of that vision.

As for what users can expect, there hasn’t been much offered in the way of news, roadmaps, developer conferences, partner announcements or even a concrete feature lists to refer to as a guide for what comes next for the “X” platform.

With advertisers slow to return to Twitter/X and new competitor Threads siphoning users’ attention away from the platform, it’ll be interesting to see how Musk and company navigate this new transition for the business going forward.