Today’s my last day, thank you for everything!

Kip Kniskern

I started blogging in January of 2006, joining some “MSN Butterflys” to start, where we covered the rise and fall of Windows Live, broke some news, got shoutouts from Mary Jo Foley and Robert Scoble on our first week (and tipped over our little server!), and have been doing it pretty much every day since.

I put in archives in 2014 (it’s still running, as it’s one of the last remaining chronicles of the “Windows Live era”), and joined as a writer. We changed the name to, and then in 2018 I acquired the site.

So pretty much every day since 2006, I’ve been blogging or running blogs following Microsoft. But time marches on, and it’s time for me to really “retire.” I put the site quietly up for sale a few months ago, and today signed papers to sell You’ll be hearing more news about the new owners shortly.

I’ve enjoyed every minute of these last almost 18 years, from being awarded multiple Microsoft MVPs, to meeting Bill Gates and Satya Nadella (back when he ran Live Search), to making multiple visits to Microsoft’s campus, and events in Chicago, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, and San Francisco as well as Seattle (my home town).

What I’ve enjoyed most though is the people I’ve met and interacted with – writers former and current, Microsofties, journalists, commenters, and everyone I’ve met along the way.

So thank you all for a great ride!

(Image from Bing Image Creator)