The folks at Stardock have graduated Start11’s 1.2 release out of beta. Since the first release, there’s several new tweaks to the ungrouping Taskbar icon experience based on feedback from beta users.
Compared to when Start11 version 1.2 was in beta, there’s five new things in the release. The first new ability is to to ungroup icons in the Taskbar, but remove text. Second up is the option to turn off taskbar animations. Also new is the ability to CTRL + click group taskbar buttons to cycle through open windows. Capping things out is a slight visual change. The config app now supporting Windows 11’s Mica effects, and you’ll find a ton of bug fixes that ensures the app is stable for you. Check out a preview of what this looks like below.
As a reminder, you can download Start 11 by heading to Stardock’s website. From there, you can either try Start11 for free for 30 days, or pay $6 for an individual install. If you’re hoping to personalize Windows 11 beyond what Microsoft lets you, then the price might very well be worth it for you.