Photos app for Windows 10 updated — first Windows Store update of a Windows 10 universal app


Photos app for Windows 10 updated -- first Windows Store update of a Windows 10 universal app

Microsoft has rolled out an update to the Photos app on Windows 10, marking the first store update of a Universal Windows 10 app. This update is based on user feedback and Microsoft announced the availability of this update via the Insider Hub app for Windows Insider participants.

You can head over to the Windows Store to download the updated Photos app for Windows 10. The update improves AutoEnhance, and renders thumbnails faster. Here’s what Microsoft had to say:

Windows Insiders,

In the spirit of frequent updates, we now have our first Store Update of a Windows10 Universal application – the Photos app.  This went out on Friday, and it is likely you have it already!  The Photos app settings page will read version 15.130.1615.0 when it has been updated.

It’s only been 2 weeks since the build 9926, but the changes are based on things we heard from YOU:

One of the top 3 suggestions for us was improving AutoEnhance, with specific comments around some photos turning out a little grainy.  We’ve fine tuned the noise removal algorithm and it is ready for you to try!  (your collection will automatically get the new version of AutoEnhancements, to see the noise reduction you should zoom in on a photo).

We’ve been working hard on perf, specifically around drawing thumbnails in list view.  Most people should see significant improvements in how fast their page of thumbnails is drawn.

And we’ve collected some data that some customers were experiencing crashes, we’ve been through those reports and have fixes that should greatly improve stability for the customers that hit them.

Thanks for all your help so far, and we look forward to hearing more from you soon!

The Photos team.

Microsoft has yet to add Albums and Folders View to the app, but that will likely happen in a future update. For now, download the update, run the app, and test it. You can provide your feedback directly to Microsoft — they actually do listen.