Not seeing Story Remix as part of latest Windows 10 Insider builds? That’s by design, but you can request access

Kip Kniskern

Microsoft just released the latest Windows 10 Insider builds for PC (16199) and Mobile (15125), bringing with it lots of new stuff (for PC, not for Mobile). If you’re a Fast Ring Insider, you have already been able to get your hands on one of the big announcements at last week’s Build 2017, Windows Story Remix.

That is, unless you haven’t. In today’s blog post announcing the latest Windows Insider builds, Dona Sarkar explains that Story Remix is being rolled out as part of some A/B testing, and so if you’re in the control group, you won’t see Story Remix. Sarkar explains:

Story Remix is being rolled out to Windows Insiders in the Fast ring as part of A/B testing. A/B testing is a scientific method to prove the causality of a change on the observed impact. In other words, using A/B testing, we can be sure that the observed impact is caused by the change we made and not simply due to correlation or chance. As you can imagine, this is very important for us to get right when bringing new features to Windows 10. We’ve done experiments like this in the past so this shouldn’t be new to Windows Insiders in the Fast ring. We should have been more clear about this up front last week when we announced Story Remix so we apologize for the confusion.

If you are part of the control group, however, and really want to get your hands on Story Remix, you can request access by sending an email to [email protected], and they’ll (hopefully) send you instructions on how to get the latest bits.