Microsoft Ventures joins in $30 million round for 3D printer startup

Laurent Giret

Markforged, a 4-year-old 3D printing startup based in Watertown, Massachusetts has raised a $30 million C round from Siemens, Microsoft Ventures, and Porsche. As reported by the Boston Business Journal, the three new investors were already customers of the company’s 3D printing systems for businesses, which include cutting-edge Carbon Fiber as well 3D Metal printers.

The MIT-Born startup already counts many high-profile customers including NASA, Google, Ford and Amazon, and Microsoft is probably right to invest in a technology that could potentially change manufacturing as we know it. Speaking to VentureBeat, Matthew Goldstein, partner at Microsoft Ventures explained that the company’s first investment in 3D printing tech should perfectly complement its previous investments in cloud computing and machine learning. “As cloud services shorten development cycles for software engineers, so too is 3D printing accelerating innovation in the physical world,” said Goldstein.