Microsoft to fight pollution in Ireland by planting hundreds of acres of native trees

Kit McDonald

Microsoft is getting to the roots of the matter of gas emission reduction in Ireland. Over the next few years, the tech giant will be planting more trees across the native woodlands of the countryside (via Irish Times.)

Natural Capital Partners (NCP) has entered an agreement with Microsoft to plan out the project. Native trees such as the Pedunculate Oak, Downy Birch, Common Alder, and Scots Pines will be planted throughout 137 hectares of land and maintained. This is all in an effort to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions.

Microsoft’s commitment to building a carbon neutral environment isn’t new. In fact, it’s a five-year-old effort. Cathriona Hallahan of Microsoft Ireland explained:

“Through the Irish project they would ensure they contributed to the country’s environmental wellbeing and support of the economy. Operating in a sustainable way is an important part of our vision of creating a Cloud for Global Good,” she added.

According to the article, the project is projected to produce nearly 35,600 tons of carbon over the next forty years which can be summed up as neutralizing 7,500 vehicles worth within a year.