Microsoft Teams app updates on iOS with a host of new features

Brad Stephenson

Microsoft Teams app icon

The Microsoft Teams iOS app updated to Version 1.0.73 with a surprisingly large number of new features for increased productivity and functionality.

Among some of the more noteworthy changes with this update are the ability to remove people from a chat, support for adding non-company individuals to teams, and a streamlined process for sharing your screen during a meeting.

Here’s the full release notes:

What’s New:

  • Remove a participant from chat
  • Invite people from outside your organization to your teams
  • Dial in using PSTN right from the meeting details page
  • The Call me option for meetings automatically lists your work number
  • Share your screen during a meeting without navigating to settings
  • Receive notifications when online meetings begin
  • Find and add a nearby room when you’re already in a meeting or a call
  • Add channel meetings to your calendar
  • View live event details and share the event invite via a link
  • File uploads resume gracefully if they hit connectivity issues

Microsoft Teams is a collaboration tool mainly targeted at organizations and companies. Do you use the app on your iOS device? Let us know which change you appreciate the most in the comments below and then follow us on Pinterest for more Microsoft app content.

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