Microsoft news recap: Xbox console prices not to increase in response to Sony, two new Irish datacenters on hold, and more

Jack Wilkinson

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Microsoft news recap is a weekly feature highlighting the top Microsoft news stories of the past week. Sit back, grab some coffee, and enjoy the read!

Microsoft promises not to increase price of Xbox consoles in response to Sony

This week saw Sony announce that it would be increasing prices for its PlayStation 5 consoles in several regions outside of the US. Off the back of this, some wondered if Microsoft would follow suit with its Xbox consoles. But Microsoft has now confirmed that it currently has no plans to increase its Xbox Series console prices.

Xbox Series S and Xbox Series X video game consoles.

Microsoft plans for two new Irish datacenters put on hold

Issues with the supply of electricity in Ireland, resulting in rolling black outs, is leading the regulator to pause authorisations on new datacenters. Both Microsoft and Amazon were reportedly planning new datacenters in the area, but these are now on hold.

Ireland datacenter

Ubisoft+ could be coming to Xbox consoles soon

Ubisoft+ has been rumoured to be on the way to Xbox for awhile now, but so far little has been seen in the way of progress on this. But now ALumia_Italia posted a tweet featuring the Ubisoft+ logo on August 21. While this may not seem like much to go on, ALumia_Italia is usually reliable.

Microsoft and Tiktok parent ByteDance collaborate on AI project

A new collaboration between Microsoft and TikTok owner, ByteDance, has surfaced, as the two companies work on an AI project called KubeRay. KubeRay is designed to help organizations manage and run AI apps more efficiently and effectively


That’s it for this week. We will be back next week with more Microsoft news.