Microsoft news recap: Fluent Design coming to mobile devices, Buzzy Bees update on the way for Minecraft, and more

Jack Wilkinson

Microsoft, Surface, Windows, Xbox, Microsoft Store

Microsoft news recap is a weekly feature highlighting the top Microsoft news stories of the past week. Sit back, grab some coffee, and enjoy the read!

Microsoft is bringing Fluent Design to mobile devices, starting with the Office apps

Whilst Microsoft has been busy rolling out its Fluent Design across WIndows 10 and its apps, the company is now turning its focus to third-party platforms where the company has a presence. Starting with its Office apps, Microsoft is to begin its journey to bring Fluent Design to mobile devices.

Minecraft’s Buzzy Bees update is coming on December 11

Minecraft’s next content update is set to arrive on December 11, bringing with it a new creature, Bees, that will reside in nests throughout the world. The idea behind bees is to improve crop yield, due to their ability to spread pollen.

Xbox One to lose its File Explorer app due to low usage

Probably to the surprise of no-one, the File Explorer app on Xbox One has been suffering from low usage. As a result, Microsoft is set to remove the File Explorer app on Xbox One.

Microsoft’s cheaper next-gen “Lockhart” console is still in the pipeline according to new report

Microsoft could follow the same path it did with the Xbox One S All-Digital Edition. Reports suggest that Microsoft could still be working on “Lockhart”, a digital-only alternative to its bigger console, Project Scarlett.

Xbox One at E3 2018

That’s it for this week. We’ll be back next week with more Microsoft news.