Microsoft has over 35 partners working with OneNote Class Notebook

Dave W. Shanahan

Not long ago, Microsoft launched the original OneNote Class Notebook add-in for classroom assignments with an integrated grading system. In addition, Microsoft integrated OneNote Class Notebooks with Learning Management Systems , Student Information Systems (SIS) and grade books, giving many teachers, schools, and education associations trying out the new OneNote Class Notebook features and capabilities.

Microsoft announced that 35 education partners are committed to using the OneNote Class Notebook add-in for assignment and grade integration.

OneNote Class Notebook Education Partners
OneNote Class Notebook Education Partners

To learn more in-depth information about each partner, visit the OneNote Education Partner website.

In addition, Microsoft is setting up a new website to help teachers and schools use OneNote with their SIS. The new OneNote SIS website provides helpful information for school IT administrators to integrate SIS to work effectively with OneNote for class assignment and grade integration capabilities. Once the school IT administrator adds the SIS information, teachers can easily and quickly connect to OneNote.

OneNote, SIS, website
new OneNote SIS website

Here are some demonstration videos of how to connect OneNote with SIS partners:

To learn more about integrating OneNote with your SIS, visit Microsoft’s new website. If you interested in trying out the OneNote Class Notebook add-in for yourself, download it here.