End of the road for Bethesda.net Launcher as it switches to Steam

Kevin Okemwa


On February 22, Bethesda announced that gamers will soon have to part ways with the Bethesda.net Launcher later on this year. They went ahead to express their gratitude to all their users for their never-ending support and trust.

The announcement was made early enough to provide gamers that use the platform with ample time to get their affairs in order. To that effect, starting April gamers should be able to transition their Bethesda games and Wallet to their Steam accounts. Bethesda is set to provide further information concerning how to make the migration both effectively and efficiently later on. That said, gamers can still be able to utilize the platform fully up until May.


We will just have to wait and see how smooth the transition will be as gamers shift over to Steam. But in the meantime, you should visit their page for any inquiries that you might have concerning this move, they have a comprehensive FAQ section.