Cortana gains yet another connected account option with Dynamics CRM support

Vu Anh Nguyen

Mention Cortana and people will think of a not-too-useful virtual organizer and reminder in the veins of Siri or Google Now. With Microsoft also owning several business-focused productivity solutions, however, Cortana has so much more potential to help people get things done, and Microsoft has once again demonstrated that potential by linking Cortana with Microsoft Dynamics CRM, reports Windows Central.

For those unfamiliar, Dynamics CRM is Microsoft’s customer relationship management software package (hence the abbreviation) – part of Microsoft Dynamics line of business solutions – that covers sales, service and marketing activities. Dynamics CRM is the first enterprise solution from Microsoft to get integration with Cortana.

Dynamics CRM joins Xbox Live, Uber and others in Cortana’s Notebook

Interesting note: There is a tiny font size adjuster on the upper left part of the email pop-up.

Similar to other Cortana-linkable accounts, the option for Dynamics CRM can be found in the Notebook section. I don’t have a Dynamics CRM account, so I unfortunately cannot say how Cortana is going to work with Dynamics CRM; perhaps an experienced WinBeta readers can enlighten us on the subject.

Microsoft certainly has big plans for its virtual assistant, and with the company’s track record of tight integration between its products, Dynamics CRM will most certainly not be the last enterprise solution to be plugged into Cortana. We will be keeping an eye on Cortana’s continued development and update you with more information.