Bing Predicts goes 10-6 in NFL Week 13, predicts Week 14 games

Mark Coppock


Each week this NFL season, Bing Predicts has done a yeoman’s job in pouring through thousands of data points (or millions, we really don’t know how many) to analyze and then predict each week’s NFL game. Week after week, Microsoft’s machine intelligence toils away with no discernible benefit to itself, and so we just wanted to take a moment to thank Bing Predicts for what it does in making such events more predictable for us.
In Week 13, Bing Predicts went 10-6 in NFL games, getting more right than it got wrong. For the year, Bing Predicts is 122-70, a fairly impressive showing. Strong showings include picking Kansas City to win on the road against Oakland, and Tampa Bay to prevail against Atlanta. Wacky end-of-game shenanigans forced Bing Predict to miss wildly in Chicago v. San Francisco and Jacksonville v. Tennessee.
Here are Week 14 Predictions:

Here are Bing Predicts' picks for NFL Week 14.
Here are Bing Predicts’ picks for NFL Week 14.

Looking forward to the NFL playoffs, Bing Predicts picks Carolina to go 16-0 and close out the season at the top of the playoff rankings. Arizona, New England, Denver, and Cincinnati could get byes. You can keep up with the playoff predictions here.
If you’re an NFL fan, then keep hitting Bing Predict’s page and see what’s going on with your favorite team and how their playoff chances are progressing. If you have some money to gamble, Bing Predicts might be a good place to start in putting down some cash.