Bing Chat expected to support third-party plugins soon

Priya Walia

Bing Chat

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Internet users are eagerly anticipating the integration of third-party plugins into Bing Chat. The new development has created a buzz in the tech community and is expected to significantly enhance the user experience when fully implemented.

Wladimir Kirianov, an active member of the tech community spotted the ongoing trial. He shared an array of screenshots on X that break down the seamless functioning of the feature.

According to Kirianov, a new tab titled “Plugins” has now been added alongside the “Recent Activity” tab. Currently, only five plugins are available, and there are no options to download additional ones.

Bing AI allows you to use plugins in the following manner:

  • Select up to three plugins for a specific conversation thread.
  • Once a plugin is chosen for a conversation, you cannot change it unless you select “New Topic”.

The introduction of third-party plugins into Bing Chat will facilitate customization to personal preference and make multiple tasks manageable through a single interface. Bing Chat, known for its user-friendly interface, looks set to capitalize on the future of chat applications with this move, creating a substantial competitive edge.

However, at the moment, the tech giant has not officially confirmed the testing timeline or the set date for the public roll-out of the feature. As we await official word, consumers and tech enthusiasts can only speculate about the various third-party applications that Bing Chat may potentially support.

Besides this, Microsoft yesterday launched Bing Chat Enterprise in Windows Copilot preview.

Note that the screenshots in the wild are testing instances. They might not match exactly with the publicly released version, as more tweaks and improvements might be made based on feedback and testing results. The full functionality and looks will be revealed only upon the official roll-out from Bing.

Via Search Engine Roundtable