Better math formatting coming to Bing Chat

Priya Walia

Bing Android App

Looking for more info on AI, Bing Chat, Chat GPT, or Microsoft's Copilots? Check out our AI / Copilot page for the latest builds from all the channels, information on the program, links, and more!

With the rapid pace of AI development in recent times, industry observers must stay abreast of the latest launches by various companies. The industry has seen a flurry of activity, with players such as Microsoft releasing its Bing Chat, OpenAI introducing the GPT-4, and Google unveiling its Bard AI. Although the choices are plentiful, it can be daunting to distinguish the superior products from the mediocre ones. While each of these AI chatbots boasts its unique capabilities, it is apparent that some excel above others in delivering efficient results.

Users have recently been sharing their thoughts on Twitter about whether Microsoft has plans to incorporate complete mathematical syntax as the outcome of resolving mathematical queries within Bing’s chat interface. However, they contend that presently, it is only Bard that exhibits it flawlessly.

Now, Microsoft Bing is set to address the issue at hand by introducing a more refined and aesthetically pleasing format for math results. According to Mikhail Parakhin of Microsoft, this feature has already been made available to 10% of users for all chat modes.” If you are a lucky 10 %er (like me :-)), you might see math actually formatted nicely. Coming soon to Bing Chat near you,” he posted on Twitter.

Bing is currently conducting experimental trials and is expected to launch the new feature soon, pending successful tests. Besides that, Microsoft has recently introduced an upgraded version of the Teams application which boasts the speed, improved intelligence and consumes 50 percent less memory. This upgrade aims to increase productivity, save valuable time and simplify collaboration processes for its users.

Your feedback regarding this development is highly appreciated. Please share your thoughts in the comments section below.

Via SERoundTable