Apple has rounded out the developer conference scheduled with its annoucement of the its World-Wide Developer Conference date. According to Apple’s developer website, the company plans on hosting its annual conference from June 5 through the 9 this year.
Google IO developers confernece is marked for May 10, 2023, Microsoft’s BUILD developer conference is scheduled for May 23-25, and now Apple is taking June 5-9 as its time to inform its developer of the company’s 2023 initiatives.
While there will be many journalists attempting to read tea leaves to gain insight on what Apple plans to emphasize as development goals this year, the announcement posted on the WWDC23 page seems rather straightforward and intentionally vague.
Mark your calendars for an exhilarating week of technology and community. Be among the first to learn the latest about Apple platforms, technologies, and tools. You’ll also have the opportunity to engage with Apple experts and other developers. All online and at no cost.
Among the highlighted topics for WWDC23, Apple points out a Special event at Apple Park that will run “all-day” on June 5th alongside the keynote and State of the Union announcement videos prepared for the day that will allow developers to meet with some teams from within the company, host the celebratory Apple Design Awards ceremony and some other unlisted activities.
There is also a nod in the annoucement to the Swift Student Challenge which calls for student developers to enter by April 19th at the latest. Presumably the Swift Student Challenge will also have a showing of young talented developers at some point during the conference.
As for the public facing invitation to WWDC26, that’s all that’s been announced today. Developers planning to attend are encouraged to check their email or revisit the announcement page for future details on the conference event.