Age of Empires 4 announced at Gamescom; more remastered classics in the works

Kit McDonald

Xbox Wire wasn’t blowing smoke when they said there were some exciting news coming for the Age of Empires franchise this morning.

Following up on its recent announcement, Age of Empires: Definitive Edition was revealed with an October 19 release date, The 20th anniversary of the original game is being celebrated with plenty of new features fortifying the game:

  • Attack Move
  • 250-300 population cap​
  • Rally Points Basic
  • Rally Points Contextual (Intelligent Villagers)
  • Grid default key layout ​
  • Select Idle Military
  • Select Idle Villagers
  • Unit queueing
  • Right-click mouse scroll
  • And MORE!

The franchise will also be welcoming two more remastered classics in the series. Both Age of Empires II and Age of Empires III will be touched up and re-released exclusively on the Windows 10 Store.

On top of that, Age of Empires IV is in the works!

Age of Empires fans will be excited to see more details about the new title coming in the next few weeks. If the remastered editions are any indicator, it looks like Age of Empires IV might be exclusive for Windows 10 as well, reinforcing the OS with a new reason to upgrade.

Watch the full livestream to hear this news and everything in between on Xbox Wire.