After Python, Microsoft introduces Power BI support in Excel

Devesh Beri

Microsoft Excel dark mode icon on iOS

Microsoft released a number of new updates for Excel in August 2023, including several new features designed to make it easier for users to analyze and visualize data.

The most notable new feature is Python in Excel, which allows users to write and run Python code directly in Excel cells. This can be used to perform complex data analysis and visualization tasks that would be difficult or impossible to do with Excel formulas alone.

Other new features include Stale Value Formatting, which helps users identify cells that contain stale values, and Monospaced Font in the formula bar, which makes it easier to read and debug formulas.

Another major update is Power BI-connected tables. This new feature makes creating a connected table directly in Excel easy. This can be used to bring data from Power BI into Excel for further analysis, which could mean that Excel could take a huge step in data visualization with more complex graphs and other visuals. 

The update also includes improvements to the Save As/Discard dialog, the sharing experience, and the Office Add-ins feature.

  • Improved Save As/Discard Dialog: Improved Save As/Discard dialog with version history and collaborators info.
  • Simplified Sharing across Microsoft 365: Sharing files is now easier across Microsoft 365 apps.
  • Access and Explore Office Add-Ins: A new button has been added to the Home tab, making it easy to find, install, and access Office add-ins.

Which of these given updates are here to stay?