86% of firms to upgrade to Windows 10 according to new report

Arif Bacchus

In a recent post to the Microsoft Technet blog, Microsoft’s Brad Anderson detailed his meeting with Nick McQuire from the research and data insight firm, CCS Insight. According to Anderson’s post, a survey of more than 400 mobile technology decision makers in the United States and Europe shows that 86% of firms have stated that they would upgrade to Windows 10 within 3-4 years.

Overall, the results of the CCS Insight study match the very trends which Microsoft has noticed in the acceleration of Windows 10 adoption. The survey also shows that 47% of organizations say they will upgrade in the next 12 months, and 83% of the firms said they planned to converge their PC management and Enterprise Mobility management strategy and teams, with 44% planning convergence within the next 12 months. Interestingly, Brad Anderson also highlights a few data points from the telemetry that comes back to Microsoft.

  • We see a significant acceleration in the rate of Windows 10 deployments worldwide.
  • I am tracking dramatic growth on a weekly and monthly basis that shows almost all of these new Windows 10 devices are deployed and managed through ConfigMgr and Intune.
  • It’s not surprising to see that 99%+ of the Windows 10 devices reporting telemetry to Microsoft are being managed by ConfigMgr or Intune – with the majority of the Windows 10 devices being managed by ConfigMgr.
  • Of the 85M monthly active users of Office 365, over 95% of the cloud identities are being managed by Azure Active Directory (Premium). If you are using something else as your IDP, you are built on a configuration that is not widely used.  You can massively simplify if you move to just use what comes from Microsoft.
  • Our most recent quarterly earnings revealed that EMS grew more than 135% over the previous quarter- a staggering 400% faster than the nearest EMM provider.
  • We now have the largest EMM customer base with more than 41k unique customers – which is 200% – 300% larger than other EMM providers.
  • The Enterprise Mobility + Security (EMS) suite from Microsoft is the largest Enterprise Mobility Management (EMM) and Identity as a Service (IDaaS) solution in the market.

CSS Study: Most Used Apps at Work
CCS Insight Study: Most Used Apps at Work

The CCS Insight study also dives into the details on the most-used Mobile apps at work, and, to no surprise, the survey of 400 companies shows that Microsoft tops the list with Office 365 at 37% usage. Adobe, meanwhile, pulled in at second with 30% usage, Skype in third with 28% usage, and Microsoft-owned LinkedIn in fourth with 27% usage.

These latest statistics prove to be quite interesting, given that Windows 10 offers up enhanced security features such as Device Guard, Secure Boot, and biometric authentication. How many of your devices are running Windows 10? Is your school or business adopting Microsoft’s newest operating system? Let us know your thoughts in the comments.