How To Microsoft 365 Looking for more How To posts on Microsoft 365, Windows, and more? Check out our How To Page April 21, 2020 How to (unofficially) set your own custom background image in Microsoft Teams [Updated, now officially possible] Arif Bacchus Tags: Microsoft 365, Microsoft Teams, Office 365 April 20, 2020 How to (finally) set a background image in Microsoft Teams Arif Bacchus Tags: Microsoft 365, Microsoft Teams, Office 365 April 14, 2020 Bots, analytics, project management, and lots more: How to add apps to Microsoft Teams Arif Bacchus Tags: Microsoft 365, Microsoft Teams, Office 365 April 13, 2020 Common Microsoft Teams problems and how to fix them Arif Bacchus Tags: Microsoft 365, Microsoft Teams, Windows 10 April 8, 2020 How to password protect OneNote 2016 notebook sections Arif Bacchus Tags: Microsoft 365, Office 365, OneNote, OneNote 2016 April 7, 2020 Top 5 ways to customize Microsoft Teams to make it your own Arif Bacchus Tags: Microsoft 365, Microsoft Teams, Office 365 March 26, 2020 Here’s how to get alerts when someone changes your files in SharePoint Online Arif Bacchus Tags: Microsoft 365, Microsoft SharePoint, Office 365, SharePoint Online March 25, 2020 How to join the Microsoft Teams developer preview on desktop and mobile Arif Bacchus Tags: Microsoft 365, Microsoft Teams, Office 365 March 24, 2020 How to protect your files, emails, and more to work safely from home with Windows 10 Arif Bacchus Tags: Microsoft 365, Microsoft Outlook, Office 365, OneNote, Windows 10 March 19, 2020 Here’s how to use Snapchat Camera on Windows 10 to spice up your Microsoft Teams calls Arif Bacchus Tags: Microsoft 365, Microsoft Teams, Office 365, SnapChat Previous 1…1314151617…20 Next