Here's the Xiaomi Mi 4 running a Windows 10 Mobile ROM

Hammad Saleem

Last week, Microsoft and Xiaomi, one of the largest smartphone vendors in China, released the Windows 10 Mobile ROM for the Xiaomi Mi 4. Unfortunately, it is only for the LTE version of the handset, but nonetheless, it’s still a good progress as there’s a possibility that we may get to see the ROM reach other Android devices in the coming months.
If you’re interested in checking out how good the ROM runs on the Xiaomi Mi 4, the folks at WindowsPhoneApps managed to install it on their device and gave a brief overview of how stable it runs. At first glimpse, it seems the ROM is running quite smoothly, but there is a possibility of issues as mentioned by the company before.
You can watch the video below and see Windows 10 Mobile in action on an Android device.

So sign up for the Windows Insiders program if you have a Xiaomi Mi4 LTE version and flash the ROM.