As expected, Microsoft introduced the new Band fitness tracker/smartwatch hybrid at today’s Windows 10 hardware event. Sporting a sleeker, more comfortable design and a larger, more curvey touchscreen, the new Band provides a much more refined version.
Lindsey Matese, member of the Microsoft Band team, was on stage to introduce the newest version. As with everything else they’re doing lately, Microsoft took in user feedback and extensive scientific analysis to develop the new Band.
Some of the new features:
- Durable Corning Gorilla Glass 3
- Enhanced touch response
- Improved screen size and curve
- Elevation tracking enabled via 11th sensor, a barometer
Microsoft Health has also been enhanced, providing new data points such as breaking out calories in carbs vs. fat burned, oxygen usage, and more. Lindsey was quick to point out that much of the newest stuff is unique to the Band.
The new Band will retail for $249 and be available for preorder later today.