Microsoft Rewards is a great way to earn money for gift cards and other items, but now you can count in on it helping you score free magazines, too.
Magzter, the world’s largest digital newsstand, just launched a partnership with Microsoft Rewards to offer digital magazines and newspapers to program members in the United States.
Now available for 3,000 Microsoft Rewards points a month, Microsoft Rewards members will be able to enjoy Magzter GOLD. This makes Magzter the first subscription service included in Microsoft Rewards as a redeemable offer. Magzter GOLD lets users can access thousands of magazines and newspapers across 40 categories including gaming, automotive, business, comics, entertainment, fashion, health, lifestyle, news, politics, science, sports, technology, and travel.
Some magazines covered under the subscription include Newsweek, Maxim, TV Guide, People, Forbes. As a special offer, any new user from the U.S. who signs up for Microsoft Rewards via Magzter can also receive an offer for a free month of Magzter GOLD.
Jordi Ribas, Corporate Vice President, Microsoft Bing expressed his excitement for this in a press release. “We’re excited to now be able to offer Magzter’s subscription service to our Microsoft Rewards members. We look forward to continuing to bring increased value to our Rewards members by searching on Microsoft Bing,” said Ribas.
Magzter is available as an app on Apple iOS and Android and a website for browser-based reading on Windows 10 and MacOS. Users can even buy their magazines and newspapers and seamlessly port their purchases to any other devices.