Xbox One YouTube app updates with new controls & post-video screen

Brad Stephenson

Xbox One YouTube App

The official YouTube app for Microsoft’s Xbox One consoles appears to have updated this past week with some subtle, but appreciated, design changes.

The most notable change is the new post-video screen which now shows a larger splash image of a recommended video to watch after the previous one has finished (see below image). In addition to the large image, the screen also shows the recommended video’s title and channel name on the left side of the screen.

Xbox One YouTube app

Other changes made with this update include the addition of a new, circle play and pause button throughout the app (see above image) and larger, clearer icons for navigating to a YouTube channel and accessing other options while watching a video.

Have you noticed these changes on your Xbox One YouTube app and have you spotted anything else that’s different? Let us know in the comments below and then follow us on YouTube for Microsoft news and reviews.