Xbox One recieves its first system update, offers improvements and bug fixes


Xbox One recieves its first system update, offers improvements and bug fixes

Microsoft is releasing the first Xbox One update since the console launched on November 22nd. The system update will fix issues that customers have been reporting such as inconsistent notifications and SmartGlass connection problems.

The update will be available on Tuesday December 10 at 5:00 PM PST. Microsoft’s Major Nelson has supplied us with the official changelog that comes with this update. Here’s what the update has to offer:

  • Addresses SmartGlass issues for some users when coming in and out of connected standby
  • Addresses multiplayer issues for some users when re-joining games
  • Addresses issues with inconsistent notifications for some users
  • Addresses dashboard performance for some users
  • Offers improvements for Xbox One’s TV, system update, and content update services for scaling over time
  • Updated wireless networking driver to improve connectivity issues for some users

This update will not be like how it was for the Xbox 360. Users who have the “Instant On” feature enabled will have the update install automatically in the background after the console is set to turn off. But for users who don’t have this feature enabled, you can update your console after Thursday December 12 at 4:00 PM PST. Here’s what Microsoft has to say:

Your console will automatically download the update after you turn it off. Once the update has been downloaded in the background, your console will power completely down. Please note: You will need to manually power your console back on after the update has been downloaded. Because the update will power your console completely down, the “Xbox On” voice command won’t be available until after the update is fully installed.

When you turn the console on you’ll see the update being applied. After that, your Xbox One will reboot. You’ll know the update is installing when you see the Xbox logo on the green background (like at the top of this post.) This can take anywhere from 2-5 minutes. Once the update has finished installing, you’ll boot to the Home screen and you’re all set.

More updates are coming next year, as Microsoft promises. So keep sending feedback to Microsoft so they can get more updates rolled out.