Windows Subsystem for Android gets file sharing with June 2023 Windows 11 Insiders release

Kip Kniskern

Windows 11 Laptop Background

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Microosoft has released an update to Windows Subsystem for Android for all Windows 11 Insider channels, with one big new feature and a number of smaller changes. First up is the “long-requested” file sharing:

We’ve been listening to the community, and many of you have been asking us to support sharing files between Windows and the Subsystem. We are pleased to announce that Windows Subsystem for Android™ can now share your Windows user folders, like Documents and Pictures, with the Subsystem, so scenarios like uploading a photo to a social media app or editing a video in a creative app work seamlessly. Folder sharing is enabled by default for preview users and can be toggled on and off in Windows Subsystem for Android™ Settings. When folder sharing is enabled, your Windows user profile folder (e.g., “C:\Users\John Doe”) is shared as “/sdcard/Windows” in the Subsystem.

File sharing does come with a number of limitations, be sure to check out the blog post for all the details, and to learn a bit more about the other new changes in this latest release.