Windows Insiders program has around 3.7 million registered users

Hammad Saleem

Windows Insiders program has around 3.7 million registered users

Microsoft’s Build 2015 conference is going on full force. Microsoft revealed a lot of interesting things for developers to play with, as well as offer details about some of the upcoming products. Recently, the company announced the Windows Insiders program has around 3.7 million registered users, who are actively testing the preview builds of Windows 10 for desktops and mobile, providing the company with their valuable feedback so it could get rid of the bugs and issues present in the operating system.

This is a decent increase compared to January where the software giant revealed the number of Windows Insiders to be around 2.2 million. The user base increased over time, and since Microsoft is refining the Windows 10 operating system for both desktop and phones, it makes sense for more people to sign up for it. It’s not just about fixing bugs, the company has added a number of new and exciting features to the operating system — but it’s still not perfect at the moment.

We’ve yet to come across an exact launch date for Windows 10, but previous reports suggest it may see the light of the day in July. We’ll update you if any information comes by.