This might not be something you have noticed because you first have to enable a setting that is disabled by default. Delete a file in Windows 8.1, and if you have opted to display the delete confirmation dialog you will see that the icon representing the file or files to be deleted is a little strange.
With the delete confirmation setting enabled — which can be turned on an off via the Recycle Bin settings — the icon that appears in the dialog has an odd black border to one side of it. It I more noticeable with some icons than others, but it is definitely present.
What is particularly strange is the fact that this was not an issue in Windows 8. The problem has been reported on AskVG, and we have tested and confirmed that it exists. Have you seen this?
Obviously, this is a problem that is very easily bypassed. If the sight of an ugly icon offends you, you have the option of simply disabling the delete confirmation screen, or you can hold down the Shift key whilst deleting a file to bypass the Recycle Bin altogether.