Windows 8 will run on hardware available today, will have consistency


In a new blog post, Microsoft reveals that Windows 8 will run on the same hardware that’s available today. On top of that, Microsoft has made it to where all touch interactions are consistent so users don’t have to be confused.

“It’s worth reinforcing that Windows 8 will run on the hardware available today, and we are committed to making sure that happens. So you should feel confidence in installing the Consumer Preview on the machines that you own today. However, as much as we value compatibility, we also have to balance this with making Windows 8 really shine on new Windows 8 PCs,” Microsoft stated in an official blog post.

Microsoft has made sure that all touch interactions work consistently and reliabily at all times using no more than two fingers and a minimum of five fingers for whole hand interactions. Developers can minimize any earning required by users when utilizing these common touch interactions such as “press and hold to zoom” and “turn to rotate.” (see below)

Swiping from the edge of the screen will bring up the new Charms bar as well as the App settings bar. “Traditionally, the edges of the screen are where touch sensitivity drops off, and it’s a place that hardware manufacturers have traditionally not placed much emphasis on. The center of the screen received all the innovation, while the edges have suffered,” Microsoft adds.

Those on a Windows 7 powered touch-capable PC are recommended by Microsoft to try the recently released Windows 8 Consumer Preview to experience the new Metro style UI as well as the consistent nature of the touch interactions, since the vast majority of Windows 7 touchscreens can be used with Windows 8.