A new report is suggesting that Windows 8 for ARM is ready to be given to developers. Apparently, Windows 8 for ARM is stable on the ARM chip platform and is expected to be delivered to developers in February of this year. Could this be a part of the Consumer Preview we have heard about?
Sources close to CNET are saying that not only is Windows 8 stable on the ARM chip platform, compared to last October when it was not, Windows 8 for ARM is also ready to be seeded to developers soon.
“In October of last year. [Windows 8 on ARM] scared the industry because it was unstable. But what we are seeing now is quite stable. We haven’t heard this directly from Microsoft, but we’ve heard this from the hardware partners that [Microsoft] is working with. We’ve been promised something in the February time frame,” a source for CNET stated. This source is confirming that Microsoft is expected to deliver Windows 8 for ARM to developers in February.
Recent rumors were suggesting that the upcoming Windows 8 Beta may be dubbed the “Consumer Preview” instead of being called a “Beta” to help interest a wider range of users to help submit feedback for the companys next operating system. The “Consumer Preview” will be released to a broader range of testers before being released to the public in late February. As of right now, Windows 8 is rumored to have entered Beta Escrow.