The market share of Windows 8 and Windows 8, instead of trickling up, has suffered a drop last month. The Windows 8.x is now running on 12.26% of computers around the world, according to the latest data by Net Applications. The month of September has ended, and as usually the ever so reliable Net Market Share has evaluated the performance of various operating systems.
Starting with the current operating system, Windows 8.1 which had 7.09% of market share at the end of August, has slid to 6.67% according to the latest data. Windows 8 has also suffered a drop, going down from 6.28% to 5.59%. The drop in the Windows 8.x market share is shocking, as the operating systems had been showing improvement since last couple of months.
Windows 7 has maintained the spot for the most widely used operating system. The operating system’s share has gone up by 1.5% to mark 52.71 percent of all the share. We can confidently blame OEMs for it, as recently HP ditched Windows 8 computers again in favor of selling Windows 7-powered machines.
Windows XP still remains a problem for Microsoft. Despite being out of company’s update cycle, it still has 23.87% share. Since the last month, the decade old operating system has only dropped a 0.02% share. Its successor Windows Vista is still booting 3.07% market share, with an ever so slight increase in its share.