WhartonBrooks tries to put a positive spin on failed Windows 10 Mobile Indiegogo bid

Michael Cottuli

Were you looking for the next big device from WhartonBrooks? You definitely won’t find it from the company’s latest attempt at an IndieGoGo campaign. Those who have been following the campaign may know that WhartonBrooks fell short of its $1.1 Million funding goal, instead raising just under $30k.

In spite of the fairly depressing numbers that came out of the campaign, the company still had some optimistic words to share with their fans.


This statement came out of the IndieGoGo page, not too long ago.

Thank you for contributing to our campaign to bring the Cerulean Moment to the fans of Windows Phone.  Though we did not reach our goal, there were many positive take-a-ways from this campaign.  We had more than 33,000 visitors and received an enormous amount of feedback that will help us pursue our next device.  Your support and words of encouragement were inspiring and greatly appreciated. We wish you well and please join us on twitter @ceruleanmobile.

It’s unclear how WhartonBrooks is going to be moving forward with Cerulean Mobile after this mishap, other than the fact that they’ll continue making mobile devices. We’ll have to wait and see if they continue to work in Windows 10 Mobile, or maybe take the Kickstarter as a sign that the Windows Mobile pastures aren’t so green anymore.