Virgin Atlantic embraces Windows 10 for its cross-device support

Mark Coppock

Virgin Atlantic has always been something of a maverick airline, pushing luxury services when many other airlines have been cutting back on perks. The British company is also big into technology, and they’ve recently worked with Microsoft to build an innovative new method of customer interaction dubbed Ida.
Ida is an interactive a Universal Windows 10 app to provide a virtual walk-through of Virgin Atlantic’s Upper Class experience. Windows 10 was chosen specifically because its Universal app architecture lets one application run across all devices, from tablets to phones. And, Ida allows the airline to capture customer information that helps guide sales and marketing efforts going forward.

Virgin Atlantics Ida.
Virgin Atlantic’s Ida.

Virgin Atlantic SVP of Marketing and Customer Experience, Reuben Arnold, had this to say about working with Microsoft and Windows 10:
“Competition is fierce; and we need to compete, but in smarter way than our competitors. We challenged ourselves to create something really new and different but also something that didn’t require the same scale investments as our competitors. Windows 10 gave us exactly what we needed. Developing a Windows 10 universal app across the broadest range of devices has allowed us to offer choice to our customers in how they experience Virgin Atlantic.”
As you can see from the video below, Windows 10 is achieving its goal of providing the kind of truly device-agnostic solution that businesses should embrace.
If you’re planning to fly Virgin Atlantic anytime soon, you’ll get a chance to try Ida out and see how an aggressive, forward-looking enterprise is using Windows 10 to achieve competitive advantages. In the meantime, the rest of us can just use Windows 10 to get our own work done.