Toto Temple Deluxe on Xbox One lets you battle all the goats

Staff Writer

Just yesterday NBA Live 16 was released for the Xbox One by EA, now today another Xbox One title has been published by Juicy Beast Studios. Toto Temple Deluxe is a local-multiplayer title that allows players to battle one another (or work in teams of two) through ancient ruins, jungle canopies, and even underwater. Each level is dynamic, constantly changing the face of the battlefield and creating new challenges for competing players. Contenders can also collect coins and power-ups to gain a competitive advantage over their opponents.

This title was originally released last year for the Xbox 360 and has now found its way to Microsoft’s current gen console. Here’s the official description:

Toto Temple Deluxe is a fast-paced, local-multiplayer king-of-the-hill style game in which players must steal an egg-laying goat from their friends and try to keep it on their own head for as long as possible. Infinitely dash in any direction to swiftly move around and powerfully headbutt the goat carrier to steal its four-legged booty. Escape your jealous opponents and protect the goat by blocking their attacks with a well-timed shield pop! Bots will play with you whenever you want and for as long as you want.

It’s great to see more and more local multiplayer games arriving on the Xbox One. SlashDash, which launched a few months ago, is one such great title. What local multiplayer games are you playing on Xbox One? Let us know in the comments below.
Buy Toto Temple Deluxe on Xbox One