Telegram messaging app updates with support for 2GB file transfers and more new features

Brad Stephenson

Telegram app icon

The Windows Telegram app updated to Version 2.2 today and added some pretty cool features. In addition to support for multiple accounts, Telegram has also increased the file size allowance for individual attachments up to 2GB from the previous limit of 1.5GB.

Telegram already had one of the biggest allowances for individual file transfers among messaging apps so this half a gigabyte increase feels like more of a reward for users than a reaction to any of its rivals.

Here’s the release notes:

  • Quickly switch between different Telegram accounts if you use multiple phone numbers.
  • Share and store unlimited files of any type, now up to 2 GB each.
  • Edit your scheduled messages.
  • Use Auto-Night mode to make the app theme match your system Dark Mode settings.
  • Also added an option to switch to the system window frame on Windows and Linux.

While not mentioned above, this update also added support for showing video profile pictures. The ability to upload a video to use on a profile is currently only available to iOS and Android users but it’s expected to come to Windows in a future update. I tested the video upload feature on my iPhone and it works very well and even offers a variety of surprising edit functions that are on par with something you’d see on Instagram. It’s worth checking out if you’re a Telegram user.

Do you use Telegram? Let us know what you think of these new features in the comments below and then follow us on Twitter for more Windows app news.

Telegram Desktop
Telegram Desktop
Price: Free