Teams for Education to introduce “Turn-in celebrations” to appreciate students, and more

Devesh Beri

Microsoft has revealed updates for Microsoft Teams for Education for October 2023.


Marking a student as excused will simplify the process of managing their assignments and provide more flexibility in addressing their individual needs. Importing settings will save educators a significant amount of time and effort by enabling them to reuse their assignment and grade settings across different classes.

  • The Insights Reports for Alternative Grading Schemes have been updated. This will allow educators and students to see how students are performing under different grading systems.
  • The new Turn-in Celebrations feature is an exciting way to motivate students to complete their assignments.
  • The Camera for Assignments and Classwork has been updated, which will provide educators and students with more options and creativity in creating and submitting assignments.


OneNote features make it easier for educators to organize and share content with their students. OneNote Section Support helps to keep track of different types of content. OneNote Page Previews ensure the sharing of correct information. Reuse of Modules saves time and effort, allowing educators to share content with multiple classes.


  • New student homepage: This new homepage will make it easier for students to reflect on their learning and access mental fitness activities.
  • Improved experience for the Staff Team: This enhanced experience will give staff more control over their privacy settings and provide them with new check-in ideas.

Insights updates for Learning Accelerators

  • Clickable cards in Reading Progress: This will make it easier for educators to track students’ reading progress and identify students who need additional support.
  • Search Progress Insights: This new Insights feature will give educators a better understanding of their students’ search habits.

These updates aim to enhance the overall educational experience within Microsoft Teams, providing educators and students with more tools and features to streamline assignments, classwork, and communication.