Solitaire to return to Windows, bundled in Windows 10 Build 10061 and beyond

Sean Cameron


As was shown recently with Microsoft’s rather full featured “MS-DOS for Mobile” app, released on Windows Phone for April Fool’s Day, the firm is undergoing a little period of nostalgia for the early days of its main OS. And if the latest news is anything to go by, this will only intensify.

According to Steve Troughton-Smith via Twitter, Solitaire, along with other classic titles, will come bundled with Windows 10, having previously been found missing in Windows 8. Something we confirmed several days ago.

This will come as welcome news to anyone who spent part of their early days on Windows desperately poking for something to do as the long hours passed by. While the games are currently available from the Windows Store, this isn’t quite the same as having them bundled in, giving the appearance of a ‘complete’ package.

Do you welcome this news? Let us know in the comments below.