Google Glass is something that many people are fascinated about. It’s a piece of eyewear which is somewhat intelligent, allowing you to do things no other pair of glasses could do. While Glass isn’t even on sale to the public yet, the idea has caught many peoples eye, including Microsoft’s.
According to The Wall Street Journal, sources close to the matter are claiming that Microsoft is currently testing early prototype eyewear devices, much like Google Glass. The Microsoft eyewear will be internet connected, and we assume it’ll do pretty much everything Glass can do already.
Google Glass, when it does actually go on sale, will cost around $1500, which is quite a lot considering. The eyewear devices aren’t really taking off anytime soon, as the market isn’t there for them yet. But according to Gartner, 2016 could see high demand for devices like Google Glass. So let’s home Microsoft get’s in early, unlike with the Smartphone market.
Of course, as this is a rumor, as per usual we must ask you to read with a grain of salt.