Rudy Huyn begins development of 6tag Universal app for Instagram

Vu Anh Nguyen


Rudy Huyn, the esteemed developer who graced Windows users with well-made third-party versions of popular services, has taken to Twitter to talk about his Universal Windows Program app version of third-party Instagram app 6tag.

Specifcally, Huyn confirmed the development of the UWP app, although it will be “a long journey” due to a new UI, camera API, filters, etc., which may take up to 2 months before anything comes out. Nevertheless, like what he did for the first non-UWP version of 6tag, Huyn will publish a beta for the new version, so interested users can have an earlier try.

Rudy’s Twitter stream on 6Tag

Rudy Huyn has a long time developer for the Windows and Windows Phone platform, famous for providing third-party apps (whose names include his trademark “6” moniker) for popular services with no official apps on Windows, like Secret, Snapchat (taken down) and more. Huyn was hired by Dropbox last year where he is working on the cloud provider’s own UWP app, due to come out soon. Nevertheless, Huyn continues making third-party apps for Windows, with the newest published one being 6tin for Tinder.

Developer: Rudy Huyn
Price: Free

6tin - for Tinder
6tin - for Tinder
Developer: Rudy Huyn
Price: Free