Rockstar Games working to plug massive GTA6 leak

David Allen

Rockstar games suffered a network intrusion over the weekend that leaked footage of its upcoming title GTA6 online.  GTA6  is roughly two years away from its official release, but the leaks show the massive open world title running with some of Rockstar’s own internal debug tools.  Roughly 90 videos leaked. One video shows a female character named Lucia,  robbing a restaurant and taking hostages. There’s plenty of placeholder text and the game engine can be seen ready to detect objects in a scene.   Rockstar Games has apologized to fans as this is not the way they wanted to unveil its newest title.  Rockstar Games also said in a recent tweet that ongoing work of GTA 6 or other projects should not be impacted.

It appears Rockstar games has started the process of filing take-down requests. Leaked footage posted to Youtube is starting to show as no longer available on Youtube channels. Rockstar games took the time to thank fans for their support and promised to keep them updated on the release of GTA 6.