Poll: Which augmented or virtual reality device do you want the most?

Sean Michael

With the news that Microsoft Holographic is coming to more devices, fans of mixed reality will have even more options. Microsoft already has the HoloLens and with this latest news devices such as the HTC Vive will be able to interact with mixed reality on the back of Microsoft Holographic.

There’s an incredible video in the Microsoft blog post that shows what something like this means for mixed reality. I don’t think it’s an exaggeration to say that mixed reality is going to grow quickly. It’s a major form factor and this type of device that is gaining serious momentum.

While augmented reality and virtual reality have different strengths and weaknesses, both have roles in the future of mixed reality. From the Microsoft to the Oculus to the HTC, many companies are trying to sprint to the forefront of an emerging field of tech.

While I personally might prefer a HoloLens for an everyday mixed reality view, others may prefer the immersive world that the HTC Vive places you in. Even less expensive VR devices can create a one of a kind experience for watching videos and content.

Let us know which device you want the most and share why in the comments. I’ve only included a few of the big named ones but there are plenty more so make sure to vote “other” and share below if you have another that interests you.

Tune into this week’s WinBeta Podcast to hear us discuss the results and the device that we want the most.