Poll: Taco hats vs. bug fixes – Are you happy with the Windows Insider program?

Kip Kniskern

Windows Insiders, Windows 10, Windows 10 Mobile, Dona Sarkar

Yesterday, a number of tech pundits picked up on a July 3rd “rant” by a former Windows Insider MVP, Kari Finn, who was vocal in his criticism of the program and its seeming focus on “taco hats” over bug fixes. We won’t go into details of Finn’s post, you can read it for yourself, nor will we comment on the possible reasons why Finn wasn’t re-awarded, as we’ve read his side of the story, there may be more to it than that.

Still, the Windows Insider program, especially under the direction of Dona Sarkar, has come to mean a lot more than finding and reporting bugs. Whether taco hats and ninja cats and #Insiders4Good draw more people into the program (a good thing), or are just a somewhat annoying diversion (maybe not so good) is up to your perspective, but they’ve become a part of the program as much as the Feedback Hub.

So in our poll today, we ask: Are you happy with the Windows Insider program? Does all the extra fluff add to the program? Are you looking for more emphasis on fixing bugs and less ninja cats? Take the poll below and let us know where you stand:

[polldaddy poll=10064670]

Microsoft is winding down its latest round of Insider testing for “Redstone 5,” and we may well begin seeing changes to the program as we enter the next round, simply because programs like this evolve over time. What would you like to see done differently? Let us know in the comments below