Overkill 3 is now available on Windows 8.1 devices and is one of the growing number of universal apps hitting the market in recent months. In a press release sent to WinBeta, it’s revealed that the action game shares progress between Windows and Windows Phone versions and boasts improved graphics which provide more realistic animations, characters, and weapons.
Overkill 3 for Windows also supports a variety of control options such as touch, mouse and hybrid styles of play and takes full advantage of the OS with Windows 8 notifications and live tiles to communicate weapon or equipment deliveries to the player.
Here’s the official description:
“Game Troopers is very happy to announce that we will soon publish a new game that will delight our audience. We have signed a deal with Craneballs to publish one of their major titles on Windows Phone and Windows tablets / PC. Craneballs is a highly talented studio from the Czech Republic. They are very remarkable for their awesome, high-level graphics games with lots of action, bullets, explosion, and fun. The game we are talking about is no other than Overkill 3. It could be defined as a 3D shooter, an action game, but we like to describe it as a console quality game for mobile devices. The game has been released recently on other platforms with excellent rankings and users reviews.”
Game Troopers has been releasing quite a few games on Windows and Windows Phone devices recently such as Monster GO! and doesn’t seem to be slowing down anytime soon. Just yesterday it was officially confirmed that they would be releasing Tiny Troopers 2 on Windows Phone and a new, very unusual looking puzzle game called Lines is also in development for the platform and will even be a timed exclusive.
Do you use cross-saves in games between your devices or do you tend to stick to one system for each game? Halo Spartan Strike is one example of cross-save done right. If only the Xbox Achievements synced too! Share your experiences in the comments below!