The Nokia Lumia 930 went on sale in the US, as well as other European countries just recently. It seems early adopters of the device are facing a display issue. Many users who opened their shiny new Lumia 930 found out the device has a purple tint issue on the bottom of the display, and it can be very annoying.
If your device has this issue, do not panic as reports suggest it’s not a hardware defect, but an issue with display calibration, which can easily be fixed from the settings. All you have to do is open the Display setting and head over Settings >Display >Adjust Color. In there, just set the Tint option from neutral to green, and voila! You’re done.
Here’s an image of the device with the purple tint issue, compared to the normal display. We’ve reached out to Microsoft for comment on this, and will update this post as soon as we get a response.
If you’re a proud owner of the Nokia Lumia 930, let us know if your unit has this problem.